About Us
We’ve been a Portland leader in recycling since 1975.
The Cloudburst history
In order to utilize green energy, Cloudburst installed a large 23.9kW solar array in 2009. This is now our principal source of electrical power. Our grease trap and oil recycling program is also guided and motivated by that same dedication.
The image of the “cloudburst” suggests the impending release of pent-up awareness of environmental health, the understanding of human relationship to and reverence for all beings in the web of life; embodying a restoration of balance. We love “closing the loop”, recovering waste for the benefit of our shared environment.
We established and financed the Oregon Biodiesel Workshop to experiment making low tech biodiesel reactors and producing our own biodiesel. OBW held workshops to help people convert their vehicles to run on straight vegetable oil (SVO). Next, we provided all our cooking oils to Bootstrap Biodiesel, which continued biodiesel experimentation, then became a certified biodiesel producer ourselves.
Currently all our refined biodiesel feedstock goes to a local third party for biodiesel production, and we re-purchase fuel for use in our own trucks.
We are local to Portland, family owned and operated. If you are committed to improving the environment with affordable solutions to your grease trap maintenance and oil recycling needs – contact Cloudburst Recycling today.